Centre For Distance Engineering Education Programme

IIT Bombay

Courses Participation

The fee structure per course is given below and is excluding GST (18% at present).

A. Fee payable by Remote Centre (RC)

Sl. No. Mode Fee Remarks
1. Live Classroom Nil -
2. Extended Live Classroom
Click here to enroll
A refund of Rs. 20000/- shall be given to the RC after receiving feedback from the Course Instructor that the RC participated actively during the course.
3. Offline Classroom
Click here to enroll
A refund of Rs.10000/- shall be given to the RC after receiving feedback from the Course Instructor that the RC participated actively during the course.

B. Fee payable by Individual Participant.

Sl. No. Mode Fee Remarks
4. Credit    
  1. Certification by RC (Other than IITB)
    Click here to enroll
  2. Certification by IIT Bombay
    Click here to enroll
  3. Certification by IITB for archieved courses
    Click here to enroll




Rs. 15,000