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Educational Outreach, IIT Bombay
Centre For Distance Engineering Education Programme

CDEEP Studio1 (Video Studio)1 CDEEP Studio 2 (Seminar Hall)2 CDEEP Studio3 (A1A2)3 CDEEP Studio 4 (EEG401)4 Institute Classroom (LH101)4

Distance Learning tools

See the self-paced course on Online Teaching by the IDP in Educational Technology.

Create video of your course and upload it to share with your students | Online meeting for student interaction

Our Mission

At CDEEP, we are expanding our reach so that engineering and science students in every part of India and the world will have access to IIT Bombay's courseware.

Download CDEEP Flyer  to read all about CDEEP. | Look into "Reach Out" a newsletter which gives information about new activities at CDEEP.

Current Semester


CDEEP would like to share the expertise of IIT Bombay faculty with students and Working professionals. The courses offered through distance education are the very same ones that are taken by IITB students. To reach as many learners as possible, CDEEP is using different mediums and various technologies.
CDEEP Brochure | Video About CDEEP


  • On 5th August Monday timetable will be followed
  • CDEEP is also involved in creating video for ARPIT (SWAYAM) for IIT Bombay courses. The ARPIT video links are available here.
  • Watch IIT Bombay's Courses online
  • Head CDEEP, inviting faculty members for "CDEEP NPTEL IIT Bombay X for Distant Learners" View video | presentation.
  • Now you can make all types of payments to CDEEP ONLINE.
  • Recorded and current semester courses are available free through online registration.
  • Offline previously recorded courses are available with nominal service charges on any storage media. Contact :
  • Now CDEEP Services can be requisioned online from within campus.